When that was the case was probably more when we were doing ‘ White Pony‘. There’s this public perception that Stephen and I are at odds, you know what I mean? A lot of people think, ‘He’s the metal guy.’ And I’m the opposite of that, and we’re always going at each other because I want it one way and he wants it another way. But I think that process really really helped. We did maybe a week or so together, came up with a few ideas.

I really just wanted to break things down to the core of us three, to get us all really on the same page. It wasn’t that we didn’t want Sergio or Frank there. Let’s just play together.’ I really wanted it be to like how it was when we were kids in the garage, making something out of nothing together. Even before Terry came in, I just hit up Stephen on the side, I was like, ‘Hey man, let’s go hang out in LA. “As a band, we were all getting along very well, and we were having fun. But the biggest thing is, I think in the end, his presence wasn’t felt as strongly as we all wished it would’ve in that record.” The record kind of was finished, and it is what it was. But at the same time, it’s not like we were going to start all over again and make another record. Obviously he was going through something, and his head just wasn’t in it. Later towards the end of the process, he took me aside and said, ‘Hey, I’m sorry that I wasn’t really there mentally.’

Though he was there, physically, he was not showing much interest in jamming along with it. “One of the biggest things that happened was Stephen sort of checked out for a lot of the writing process. Some of the stuff’s not comfortable for me to listen to.” It’s probably one of our only records that when I listen to it, I get a weird feeling. “I was a little out of my mind, with drugs or whatever, and just sort of in a dark place. But yeah, I hear our youth in that record.” There are some moments in there that are pretty special.

Sometimes there’s beauty in that, when you don’t know what you’re doing. My confidence as a vocalist, it hadn’t really blossomed at all. “It’s probably one of my least favorite records of ours.